Message from the President:

May 13, 2022
Hello Oregon AER Members,
 I can’t believe it’s already the middle of May! The school year has gone by fast and so much has happened in the state regarding services for our students and clients. The OAER Executive Board have been busy planning and cultivating new and interesting events and programs to help provide you with the support you need. One of these events is the Summer Camping Event, which will include a fun O&M experience and a group discussion about dealing with adjustment to blindness. We are in the works for updating our grant programs and adding a mentor program that will connect VI professionals together with a stipend attached to it.  Also, since there are in-person workshops and conferences now, we are setting up social networking events during these events to connect and enjoy each other’s company. 
It has almost been a year since I filled in to be President for OAER. We have had some changes on the board since then, but with the help of the other board members stepping up we have been able to keep on organizing to help you in Oregon. A special shout out to Brian Yoder for not only filling in for a Member at Large position, but then filling in as Treasurer when our elected Treasurer left for a great new opportunity. Coming in July, Paul Haney will become President, and I will step into the role of Past President. Ashley Jopling, as Past President, has been an integral part of keeping this board together and OAER as a chapter these past handful of years, but she is finally stepping down and out of the limelight. Thank you Ashley, for all your dedication and hard work, along with your continuing involvement in this profession and as a member of OAER. Another thank you needs to be made to Lea Cook for being Secretary and keeping us organized and on top of things, but as Lea is moving onto new and exciting roles in her job, she will not be renewing her nomination as Secretary. And last but not least, thank you Sarah Mora, for being a Member at Large. 
With all that said, yes, it’s that time of year that we need your help to make the OAER Executive Board awesome! You can have the opportunity to voice your needs and ideas to help other VI professionals in Oregon too. We all have had a rough year trying to transition into in-person activities while trying to navigate this ongoing pandemic. Our profession is hurting, especially in Oregon. We need more VI professionals and more resources to help this ever changing field and provide the services people with visual impairments deserve. We all came into this profession to help our clients and students to be successful and provide them with opportunities to have the best outcomes in their lives. We need to help ourselves as professionals so we can help people. We need nominations to the OAER Executive Board so we can reach out and help in innovative ways to recruit, give support, and provide resources. Oregon has unique needs in the VI profession, we need to keep this chapter alive so we can address these needs that only we understand. I can’t stress enough how important your role is to us, and how much we need you!
Stephanie Karpouzes, OAER President