Oregon's CVI Extravaganza- Save the Date!

October 6-7, 2022

A note from your CVI State TOSA

Hi Everyone!

It’s hard to believe just how fast this school year has gone and now we only have just a few weeks left before summer break. As this school year winds down, I’d like to share some of the exciting things I’ve been doing as the CVI TOSA for the state of Oregon. 

One of the needs TSVIs identified at our Oregon CVI conference in 2019 was the need for coaching, mentoring, and training around CVI assessments, IEP writing, and implementation of CVI-specific strategies. There was also a need to build some consistency within the state as each region was addressing this differently. The best part of my job has been providing one-on-one support to the TSVIs and other educators throughout the state. So far this year, I’ve helped complete 60 CVI direct assessments alongside 36 TSVIs!  In addition to assisting with testing, scoring, IEP writing, goal writing, researching, and helping to set up classroom environments, I have also helped create some resources for our TSVIs to help make their job easier such as the CVI In-Service template, an accessible CVI Range Scoring cheat sheet form, a CVI Apps database that includes apps for switch use, and coming soon, a website with many more resources.

In collaboration with the statewide CVI PLT, we have developed professional development trainings that included a multi-part training on the CVI Range addressing Phase I and Phase II and a transdisciplinary collaboration on AAC and CVI multipart training. We are also busily planning our second Oregon CVI conference in October 2022! To address the need for ready-made resources, we are collaborating with the PSU-TVI program to help create a CVI book library for TSVIs. We’ve also collaborated with Michael Cantino, our BVIS Technology Specialist, to develop trainings on using the Cricut and a website with a repository of images the state can access.  

Next to working one-on-one with everyone, the best part has been seeing the amazing ideas many of you have and your willingness to share them with the state. Some of these include the Livewired Book Club, the creation of the CVI sensory boxes, and much more to come.  

As we gear up for the new year, I would love to hear your suggestions, thoughts, and/or CVI project ideas to share with the state. Please feel free to contact me at sputnam@pps.net

Have a wonderful and relaxing summer!


Saaron Putnam-Almaguer, CVI TOSA, Columbia Regional Inclusive Services